Performance of our Racehorses

Winners to runners - 18.1%

Top 3 finish - 45.7%

2024/2025 1st 2nd 3rd
94 17 15 11

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Our Horses

I Am Immortal x Mumbeilly
Australia Forever
Australia x Yours Ever
Black Velveteen
Domesday x Mrs Kravitz
Burning Sensation
Too Darn Hot x Coutances
Celestial Ruler (Jpn)
Rulership x Rewrite The Stars
Chica Astuta
Toronado x Foxlago
Chocolate Box
Deep Field x Chocolicious
Crackle 'N' Burn
Crackerjack King x Burndiniburn
Dandino x Katazyna
Detonator Jack
Jakkalberry x Red Delicious
Dolce D'Amour
Russian Revolution x Sono Dolce
Lope De Vega x Fleet Of Foot
Fleet Of Foot
Toorak Toff x Fast Fleet
Foxwedge x De Lago Lass
Glass Bay
Dandino x Mendocino
Toorak Toff x Hoop
Heavenly Barb
I Am Invincible x Honest Polly
I Am Velvet
I Am Immortal x Black Velveteen
Dandino x Savababe
Tiger of Malay x Mumbeilly
Kizuna Star
Kizuna x Rewrite the Stars
Dandino x Diamond Broker
Miss Brittany
Camelot x Coutances
Mr Bannock
Camelot x Mrs Bannock
Pacific Paradise
North Pacific x Sixtyfourth Street
Path To Victory
Farnan x Aramoana
Peridot Star
Shalaa x She's Our Star
I Am Immortal x Seaside
Yes Yes Yes x Wanted Diva
Camelot x Coutances
Rebel Tuesday
Rebel Dane x Mardi
Rewrite The Stars
Orfevre x Star of Sapphire
Samurai Star
Tosen Stardom x Releve
Sirius Statement
Press Statement x Sirius Miss
Sixtyfourth Street
Street Boss x Elite Ateates
Smarter Than
Ghibellines x Malozza
Solar Speed
The Autumn Sun x Fleet Of Foot
Starfleet Command
Ole Kirk x No Looking Back
Camelot x Streamer
Street Boss x Tennessee Gold 2022
Street Boss x Tennessee Gold
Finance Tycoon x Swoosh
Tennessee Gold
Lonhro x Tennessee Royal
Tennessee Lass
Crackerjack King x Tennessee Gold
Thai Noon
Dansili x Alsace Lorraine
Cable Bay x Black Velveteen
Un-named (Camelot - Mrs Bannock)
Camelot x Mrs Bannock
Un-named (The Autumn Sun - Fleet Of Foot)
The Autumn Sun x Fleet of Foot
Vegas Dancer
Lope De Vega x Steal The Show
I Am Immortal x Mumbeilly
Australia Forever
Australia x Yours Ever
Burning Sensation
Too Darn Hot x Coutances
Celestial Ruler (Jpn)
Rulership x Rewrite The Stars
Chocolate Box
Deep Field x Chocolicious
Crackle 'N' Burn
Crackerjack King x Burndiniburn
Dandino x Katazyna
Detonator Jack
Jakkalberry x Red Delicious
Dolce D'Amour
Russian Revolution x Sono Dolce
Lope De Vega x Fleet Of Foot
Glass Bay
Dandino x Mendocino
Toorak Toff x Hoop
I Am Velvet
I Am Immortal x Black Velveteen
Dandino x Savababe
Dandino x Diamond Broker
Miss Brittany
Camelot x Coutances
Mr Bannock
Camelot x Mrs Bannock
Pacific Paradise
North Pacific x Sixtyfourth Street
Path To Victory
Farnan x Aramoana
Peridot Star
Shalaa x She's Our Star
I Am Immortal x Seaside
Yes Yes Yes x Wanted Diva
Camelot x Coutances
Rebel Tuesday
Rebel Dane x Mardi
Samurai Star
Tosen Stardom x Releve
Sirius Statement
Press Statement x Sirius Miss
Solar Speed
The Autumn Sun x Fleet Of Foot
Starfleet Command
Ole Kirk x No Looking Back
Camelot x Streamer
Street Boss x Tennessee Gold 2022
Street Boss x Tennessee Gold
Finance Tycoon x Swoosh
Tennessee Lass
Crackerjack King x Tennessee Gold
Vegas Dancer
Lope De Vega x Steal The Show
Black Velveteen
Domesday x Mrs Kravitz
Fleet Of Foot
Toorak Toff x Fast Fleet
Foxwedge x De Lago Lass
Heavenly Barb
I Am Invincible x Honest Polly
Rewrite The Stars
Orfevre x Star of Sapphire
Sixtyfourth Street
Street Boss x Elite Ateates
Smarter Than
Ghibellines x Malozza
Tennessee Gold
Lonhro x Tennessee Royal
Thai Noon
Dansili x Alsace Lorraine
Chica Astuta
Toronado x Foxlago
Tiger of Malay x Mumbeilly
Kizuna Star
Kizuna x Rewrite the Stars
Un-named (Camelot - Mrs Bannock)
Camelot x Mrs Bannock
Un-named (The Autumn Sun - Fleet Of Foot)
The Autumn Sun x Fleet of Foot
Cable Bay x Black Velveteen

Testimonials & Reviews

Even though we race horses for the love of it, considering the costs involved in racehorse ownership we are very careful who we trust with our investment. In a short space of time ATB have demonstrated the expertise and attention to detail required to succeed in a very hard game. We have great confidence in what they offer and have become part of our plans moving forward. Thanks guys.’

Guy Hexter, ATB Owner since 2013

‘ATB , what can i say? First horse DIVORCE ME , appropriately named as my wife (KIM) , stated if I ever bought a horse she would DIVORCE ME!!! GOD, MYSELF and DARREN DANCE only know how many horses I have with ATB now… LOL

ATB and the horses I have purchased , PLATELET, JAKKALBERRY, UNUSUAL SUSPECT, TAC DE BOISTRON, DANDINO, SEISMOS, LUCKYIMBAREFOOT AND ROCKOLICOUS just to name a few, all raced with DARREN AND LIZ DANCE. These beauties (and many more) have given us the opportunity to be part of some of the best life experiences and taken us to such places as  MELBOURNE CUP PARADE, ROYAL ASCOT, IRELAND, DUBAI, HONG KONG, ARLINGTON(USA), FLEMMINGTON, MORPHETTVILLE, RANDWICK, GOLD COAST, HOBART and DARWIN. All these destinations have seen us engage with some of the best owners, trainers and people you would ever like to meet. I have been asked quite a few times WHY ATB? and I simply reply “WHY NOT???”.



“Rob and I were introduced to Darren and Liz Dance at ATB through some mutual friends at Caulfield Races one day in 2014. We were keen to dip our toe in and be part of a share in a racehorse but not sure how to go about it. Our friends said that the only people to talk to were Darren and Liz at ATB and we haven’t looked back since. We purchased a share in our first horse Silver Stratum in 2014 and he had his first run in 2016. In his first prep of 5 races, we had our first win at his fourth start and the feeling watching your horse come first past the post is amazing – as I am sure many owners know. It’s been so much fun and such a great experience we have just purchased a share in our 2nd horse and look forward to many more great times ahead. Darren and Liz Dance certainly know their stuff when it comes to horses, and they are such great, down to earth people. A visit to Manningtree Park to see our horses is never an issue and we are always greeted with such great hospitality. ATB truly do “race with you”. “

Kerrie Canning.

“I had no connection with ATB until I picked up the phone and rang a few trainers to let them know I was setting up to pre train. 

I couldn’t tell you exactly when I started but Stylish Lily was one of my first horses and she was 2 years old. I treat each horse as an individual because they are, Darren is so much into doing the best by the horses calling me “foundation”. I educate them first to be able to be ridden kindly, doing a basic flat work/dressage crash coarse, teaching them to round up and go forward off the leg into the contact whilst doing their slow work up the dirt roads. Then they start to go to the track where I generally get them fit for 3 goes at 800m at even time, 15 seconds to the furlong, then off they go to their trainer. I feed my horses well and take pride in the fact they leave here looking the absolute best that I can get them and that they are mentally willing, happy and sound as possible. 

I follow the horses and ATB very keenly as I love them. What Darren and Liz do for their owners is fantastic and fortunately so many of our horses go well. It’s exciting being part of ATB and what they do, even with the Melbourne cup. I have absolutely nothing to do with the cup horse but I still feel part of the amazing journey that ATB is on. I love their honesty and the fact that I can pre train the horses with complete honesty. It’s refreshing to have such a wonderful working relationship with Darren, to achieve the best results for horses and owners. I am proud to be part of the team and I love what I do.

Christina Jeffery – Pre Trainer, Kyneton

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