Racing Syndicates & Shares

We are concerned about protecting your privacy. This document sets out how the site handles membership information, email addresses, searches, links to other sites and cookies.

Membership and Electronic mail addresses

We ask for your email address, your full name and address another personal information when you first log into our web site using the username and password that was provided to you.

We don't give specific information about members to anyone under any circumstances, unless we are required to do so for legal reasons. We do not show your email address on the site. Your full name is used instead wherever it is appropriate to credit authorship.

We will only record your e-mail address as part of your user registration. It will only be used for the purpose for which you provide it, and will not be added to a mailing list unless you request that this be done. We will not disclose it further without your consent or if required to do so for legal reasons.


When you browse our site, we track all pages that are viewed. This information is available minimally through the web server logs. We also record it within the Google Analytics system. If you are logged in, we can associate your browsing with your membership details. Otherwise, you are treated as an anonymous browser. If you are concerned about identification, you should either not login to the site.

Links to other sites

This site may contain links to other sites. We are not responsible for the privacy practices or the content of such web sites.


A cookie is a short piece of data which is sent from a web server to a web browser on the user's machine when the browser visits the server's site. The cookie is stored on the user's computer, but it is not an executable program and cannot do anything to your computer.

Whenever a web browser requests a file from the same web server that sent the cookie, the browser sends a copy of that cookie back to the server along with the request. In this way, the server knows you have visited before and can co-ordinate your access to different pages on its web site. A server cannot find out a name or e-mail address, or anything about a user's computer, by using cookies.

This system uses cookies to obtain session details for access to parts of our site. Cookies are essential in providing a seamless access to our range of services. Cookie information is not further stored or collected by us. If you choose not to accept cookies from this site, you will not be able to maintain a session-based interaction with the site and will be treated as an anonymous browser.

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